Questions/Additional Comments

Do you have any questions for me? I am no expert on this subject, though I do feel that through all my research I have now hold a lot more knowledge about the song, "Eleanor Rigby" and the wonderful band mates that contributed to it, The Beatles! So if you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask and/or share! :)


  1. Janet4:51 PM

    Why do you think Paul wrote this song?

  2. Well, from what I researched, my impression is that the song was created somewhat randomly. One day, the lyrics "she picks up rice in a church where a wedding has been," was kind of the inspiration for the song. From there on, it just kind of took flight. The song was more thoroughly finished one night at Lennon's house, when they were getting high (haha). I feel that it has dedication to 'all the lonely people' but was originally just a song created from pure randomness.

  3. Emmitt7:39 PM

    So who was Eleanor Rigby?

  4. Well, in the song she was a lonely woman who lived at a church, as a nun, I believe. The song is focused on her story, and how it ends up connecting to Father McKenzie, even though in real life they had no connection at all.

    Is she a real person? There could have been an Eleanor Rigby. There is a tombstone with the name Eleanor Rigby on it in England, but Paul McCartney claims to have never of seen it before. So the song was not based on any real-life person, at least not the the knowledge of the creators (of this song).

    Hope that helps answer your question! :)

  5. what is the meaning of this song? I don't know, I wonder if there was a real intention put into the lyrics. But either way I think this song/cartoon shows people to not disregard someone for their physical appearance and things of the such! Good song and cartoon!

  6. Jess'ca Henderson5:58 PM

    I love The Beatles.
    I love the song.
    I love that you went into depth into both of the above subjects.

  7. Why did you chose to create a web page for the song Eleanor Rigby?
