
The above link is the recording of the music video for the song, "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles with credit to their own creation. The links below, however, are (attempted) remakes or covers of the song by various other artists with diverging styles and different interpretations of how this song can be played. Contributions by artists are in alphabetical order:

Aretha Franklin:

'Aretha Franklin' Cover

David Cook:

Eddie Ojeda:

Joan Baez:
'Joan Baez' Cover

Krystke Warren:


Panic At The Disco:

Paul McCartney:

Ray Charles:

Stanley Jordan:


Thrice Cover:


  1. October Skye4:38 PM

    I really like the Joan Baez cover... He voice is soothing. The Aretha Franklin one is pretty erratic! Doesn't really sound like the original. Always fun to listen to different version and to see how they differ from the original...

  2. Janet5:59 PM

    I like the "David Cook" cover. I loved it when I watched it on American Idol. I am not the biggest Beatles fan, but I do appreciate their music and what they have done! Plus October is right, different people use covers to make the originals their own, which is why I like the David Cook the best! Haha.

  3. Lynsey Wood7:40 PM

    I really like this song. The original is naturally my favorite but i also really like the thrice song. The website looks wonderful :]

  4. I found it fascinating that so many people covered this song, and how diverse all the covers were. I give credit to the Beatles for creating such a well-composed song that it has the capabilities of being transformed into many other possibilities! Though, of course, none of which are as great as the original ;)

  5. Daniel11:10 PM

    I see this all the time! I've even tried to cover certain songs on drums, although none are ever AS good as the original, but I come pretty close ;)

  6. I knew that the Beatles were a popular band to cover, but I did not know that there were so many covers made about this particular song! It must be really popular. I guess that just goes to show you when great music is created, how far it can inspire people from all different genres to cover and create complimentary covers.
